Hari Raya Delectables: Part 2

Continuing on with this mini-series we have the most traditional of all Kuih Hari Raya which is Kuih Tart or as most of us know it as Pineapple Tart. My mum’s recipe is extra special because of the softness of the dough used to make these special tarts. The meticulous intricate clipings framing the pineapple centre of the tart is a labour of love of my mother who learnt it from my grandmother. Sadly its a skill that is slowly fading from the traditional Malay kuih scene. It took us a whole four hours to do everything to make these Kuih Tart a reality. A must try for visitors to my house later during Hari Raya!

Next we have a very unique Kuih named after one of the Great Malay celebrities of the past, or rather her bolster that is. Its called Kuih Bantal Peluk Saloma or in English, “Saloma’s bolster” tart. Okay I know it sounds weird. I immediately laughed out loud when my mum told me the actual name! Made using the same dough used for the Kuih Tart, the dough now covers a thin piece of date or Kurma. Many would guess the reason behind the existence of this tart in the line up is partly because of the large amount of dates leftover from Ramadhan itself! But its still an original recipe. It was terribly difficult making these because of the stickyness of the dates itself! (And yes I made these! Judge me however you want. My mum needed the help and being the filial son that I am, I decided to help :)) These simply melt in your mouth! Literally.

Okay, to those very observant people out there, you may realise that these cookies look vaguely familiar. If you guessed Corn Flakes, you’re right! Upon discovering that the previous batch of Corn Flakes Cookies were quite rock hard after buka, my mum decided to make a whole new batch again, this time with less cornflakes and it worked! Now its much much more softer and easier on the teeth. I told my mum to make it look more rocky and natural, rather than the previously sanitised version. It looks great does it? Taste great too!

More to come tomorrow, or in the coming days! Stay tuned! (While I get to enjoy the fruits of my labour. :D)

30 Responses to Hari Raya Delectables: Part 2

  1. saus says:

    aahhh. i would like some too!

  2. nita says:

    these look absolutely fantastic!
    yay for you and your family and your friends (me me ME?) who’ll get to eat them!
    hari raya’s in like, four days! 🙂

  3. sour_bodhi says:

    oh my, you’re making my mouth water, just looking at those kuih…i wish i had an oven at home too. is it usual for malay homes to make home-baked cookies like tt during hari raya?

  4. Libertas says:

    Yup its usual for Malay homes to make home-baked cookies during Hari Raya. Part of the whole Hari Raya preparations. Other more delicious food like ketupat, lontong, rendang, satay etc will be made the night before Hari Raya. That’s when it gets really really busy.

    Glad everyone liked the photos. More to come soon!

  5. ~fatma says:

    omigosh ur mom is sooo hardworking! e tarts! i doubt my mom will ever have e patience to sit and clip it for hours :s

  6. Libertas says:

    Hey fatma! Post your pictures of your kuih on your blog lar! Heheheehhehehe….

  7. gecko says:

    hi! nice site 🙂 very descriptive and visual.

  8. Nizam! You should have put a warning on your blog before you posted those pics! I now have these insatiable urges to eat some kuih, and all I have here is boiled cabbage and leg of lamb. Yucks!

    Say hi to ppl for me!

    – Caleb

  9. muddy says:

    Kuih tart looks decorated and classfy.
    Bantal Saloma looks soft and comfy.
    Cornflakes cookies look more ‘real’!

    Wow, she actually made another batch. Tell her
    she’s got so much patience. Thanks for helping her out. 🙂

    Please help me keep count of the number of variety she’s making. Take pics of the house as well as help me count the number of raya lights there are in the neighbourhood. Oh yeah, and play bunga api for me too yeah.

  10. ~fatma says:

    hmm maybe i’ll take pix e nite before raya..when i put e kuih in e containers (and eat it also!).. e only kuih tt wud be technically mine wud be honey cornflakes..which is non existent as of this moment cos i still havnt made it haha!

  11. huda says:

    zam!! r u sure u helped your mom or u did more of the eating.. hehehe.. definitely both rite.. if got some inti missing i noe it went in your tummy alreadi.. hehe.. kidding.. hari raya den i seek forgiveness ya.. hehe..

  12. Libertas says:

    To Caleb: Hey! How’s everything down there! Great to hear from ya after such a long time!

    To Kakak: I think she’s only making 6 types of kuih, including gajus. Only have one left I think. This year our house really went through a makeover, due to the reupholstered furniture and new curtains! I’ll post some pictures soon. Not many Hari raya lights this time round though. Bunga api?! I stopped playing for so long! When you come back, we’ll play together okay? 😀

    To Fatma: Honey cornflakes! So nice! My sis loves that kuih. Usually she’s force my mum to make it. We would also make another version of it but using keropok belinjal.

    To Huda: You must try the bantal peluk saloma! Damn nice! Hahahahaha. Can’t wait to try the kuih from your house too. Hehehehehehe…

  13. Karen says:

    Hi Libertas,

    I found the link to your site as I was surfing for the recipe for Bantal Saloma. I miss Bantal Saloma, it used to be my former neighbour’s specialty during Raya. I would really appreciate if you could share the recipe.


  14. Libertas says:

    I’m really sorry karen! It’s my mum’s recipe and I don’t think she’s very keen on sharing family recipes around. Only clue I can give is that she uses the dough from the pineapple tart to make the bantal peluk saloma. I know its not much help. So sorry!

  15. jane says:

    yr picture looks great n i m interested in baking too i would very appreciate if u can give me the pastry of pineapple tarts recipe n the cornflake cookies recipe.

    thank you!

  16. huda says:

    i wanna the recipe for the terts!!!!!!!

  17. Liza says:

    Would you mind giving me the recipes for the Kuih Tart and Bantal Peluk Saloma. My kids love them and yr’s look delicious enough. This is for personal and not commercial use rest assured. Appreciate it.


  18. zully says:

    ur picture are all great!!! i love UR kuih tat!!!

  19. Prison bRoke says:

    Hi there!!!

    well all the kuih looks nice and i guess u dont sell them but if u kind enough i nak order the Kuih Bantal peluk saloma boleh?????

    well my mum really nak tat kuih so much do u sell i belive urs taste good……..

  20. Charlene says:

    Hey,could I have the recipe for Honey Cornflakes? Been wanting to bake it but I don’t have any recipe. Thank you. E-mail to Charlene2411@yahoo.co.uk =)

  21. tanny says:

    The open pineapples tarts looks very tempting and yummy. Have tried various recipes but pastry not good – either too soft or taste like biscuit. Can I request for your recipe to try them as I love pineapple tarts

  22. zara says:

    Your kuih tart and cornflakes look delightable!! Do you mind sharing your recipe with me.. I hope to do those 2 recipes for the coming raya…will love to hear from you soon… Thanks

  23. Janet says:

    yr blog on Hari Raya kuih is so interesting and makes me wanna try making the kuih myself but it’s so dissapointing when I couldnt see any recipes included….i scrolled up and down for uptenth times but still couldnt find the recipes. Pls, can you be kind enough to let me have yr mum’s recipes, esp the pineapple tart.

    thanks a million.

  24. Pauline says:

    your pineapple tart cornflakes cookies look soooo yummy. I’ve been trying different recipe to make them but none satisfy me. Just wondering if you’d be kind enough to share the recipes with me. I want to try and make some for chinese New Year… since my plan to go back to M’sia for NY isn’t happening. Thanx a bunch.

  25. shumei says:

    hi can i have e recipe for the honey cornflakes and pineapple tart. cos i always think malay make better than chinese . thanks alot…

  26. lynna says:

    i really wana try making the cookies myself….hope to get the receipe from u soon..

  27. Chong says:


    The above Kuih tart,Bantal Saloma and Cornflakes cookies looks very nice and delicious. I would like to try bake and hope your can email me your receipes.

  28. rauzah says:

    can you email me the ‘Bantal Pelok Saloma’ thx (:

  29. Cahaya says:

    Hi, luv yr pics of the kuih 2. Can I have yr permission to use the pics for my school? I’m having a photo exhibition showcasing the different ‘kuihs’ to the pupils. The pics will solely be used for that purpose. Awaiting yr reply.

  30. Mamaboyz says:

    Hi, i saw your pineapple tarts pics and it looks delicious, just like my late mum’s tarts. Do you think you can share ur mum’s recipe, ie if ur mum dun mind. I miss my mum’s pineapple tarts which is un-replaceable!
    Hope to try it next year for Hari Raya!
    Thanks & Selamat Hari Raya

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